Friday, March 2, 2012

Restaurant Ownership

Many people dream of owning their own restaurant and think that their idea will make them a lot of money.

The restaurant business is one of the most competitive in the world and also has a record of complete failures. You may think that you have a great business plan or a new product such as grandma's recipe and that is all you need for success. But there is a lot more needed than this.

First you must pick a great location for your restaurant sometimes they do not come cheap. There are many hidden cost when opening a restaurant that you do not realize until you start. For example the cost of equipment, permits and licensing, employees and inventory just to mention a few. One of the major expenses that many people do not consider is advertising. Anything from handbills to television are expensive. Another example would be signage just to put up a sign on the outside of your business is very expensive. Don't give up your dream but you must research it thoroughly from every angle to know what you're getting into and make sure you have enough funds to sustain you for at least a year.

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